Wednesday, April 9, 2008

An 8 week Belly Bean

I had my eight week ultrasound, and everything looks great! The baby is healthy, heartbeat is good, blood is flowing through the umbilical cord and placenta, and it measures right on for my due date! The Doctor said that we only have a 5% chance of miscarrying now. I am relieved but I still dreamed that I miscarried last night. I love this picture. I have to say it's awfully cute for an ultrasound! I will be seeing this doctor a few more times and have an ultrasound around 20 weeks to find out the sex. I am also going to see my midwife, Jill. We told the kids by showing them the picture and asking if they knew what it was. "A Baby!" Lily said. They are excited to have one of our "own". Now we are spreading the news, so feel free to pass on the good gossip!


Anonymous said...

Wow! How exciting. :)

Kate said...

YAY YAY YAY!!!! Kathryn, my dear friend...I am jumping up and down doing a cyber happy dance for y'all!!!! :D :D :D Thank you for sharing your wonderful news...I'll be praying for you, dearheat and am rejoicing over NEW LIFE!!!!!
LOTS of love to you, Hot Mama...
Kari xoxox